Ms. Harding’s Class Suggested work June 15th- June-June 19th ONE WEEK
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths, English, and History.
This week is dedicated to learning about Rube Goldberg the American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer, and original STEAMer!
WORKSHEETS-Rube Goldberg

1. Find out what you can about Rube Goldberg from the internet. Use the 2 sheets to guide you.

2. Watch the power point about Rube Goldberg
3. Read about Rube.

4. Watch the video clip.
Have a look at some of Rube’s inventions

5. Design the following challenge. Name your machine and write the steps.

Example Now it’s your turn!!

6. Look at some examples of Rube Goldberg influenced projects.

7. Design and Build your own Rube Goldberg project! Send me a video or picture.

8. Write about the life of Rube Goldberg. ( Try to write no more than 2 regular copy pages) Use the notes you took at the beginning of the week. (see no.)
9. Wordsearch.

Maths- Counting in 12s

English – Remember to do your AR tests
