Lá le Pádraig 2018
It was a wonderful occasion on Saturday when over 200 pupils, parents and staff took part in the St. Patrick’s Day parade under the school’s banner. The theme was “Ennis: Ireland’s Friendliest Town”. Thus, the students were decked out in Smiley Faces and Emoji outfits and carried signs and flags which said Hello in many different languages. All these were made in school by the pupils in the past few weeks.
Our giant figure “Inis” was a representation of Ennis, holding a replica of the Friary tower in front of her. These were made by the children over the past month under the guidance of artist Ana Colomer. At the back of our parade group came our giant BFG (Big Friendly Giant) created by our caretaker Ger Doyle, assisted by some of the students. It was a wonderful collaborative creative effort which resulted in us being named the Best in Parade and receiving 1st Prize from Clare County Council.
Of course it would not have been a successful event without the help of all the staff, parents and friends who turned up on the day to help marshal the children safely through the streets. Many thanks to all who assisted on the day in any capacity, too many to mention. A special thanks to Mervyn Frazer who drove our giant Inis through the town on his trailer and Tom Bourke who carried the BFG figure on his back ! Many thanks also to O’Flaherty Electrical for allowing us to use their carpark as a safe collection point for the children after the parade. It’s wonderful to be part of such a vibrant extended school community.