Parents’ Association AGM Sept 15th 2023
Parents’ Association Minutes
Date: 15th September 2023
Time: 8pm
Venue: Staffroom ENS
Minutes taken by: Laura Ryan
Ray McInerney
Claire O’Loughlin
Laura Ryan
Marie Keane
Emer O’Reilly
Michael O’Brien
Megan Shoemaker
Shayla Hilpert
Ashley Garza
Charlene Chapman
Fiona Earon
Kat O’Shea
Marcin Grochowski
Saphinah Nandawula
Chris Keogh
Orla Dever
Lorna Ganda
John O’Connor
Chairperson’s Report
Claire outlined the role of the Parent’s Association
– All parents are members of the PA but there is a separate elected committee.
– Meetings approx. every 6 weeks
– Organising events and volunteer to help run
– Parents can join for 4 consecutive years and then step down
– Roles: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer
Updates on recent items:
- Lunch Bag – trial in place following research initiated and carried out by PA
- School Uniform – extensive work by PA last year. Update sent by Mr. McInerney in Sept. Confirmed uniform for foreseeable future: grey trouser/pinafore, black tracksuit pants, red polo shirt, black ENS half zip.
- The Activity Directory – work is continuing. Activity will probably go online and any organisations looking to be included should contact PA.
- County Photos – Photo events are organised by the PA and PA members assist on the days. Individual student photos take place this year on November 8th and County Photos will also attend the Communion and Confirmation.
- Brionglóid – €4000 raised at this festival for the Astroturf. Well done to those involved in this – it was a fantastic event for all who attended.
Chairperson Personal Address
Claire outlined her very positive experience of being Chairperson. She expressed thanks to Mr. McInerney, Mr. Troy, and Mr. Enright for their support throughout her time on the PA. She outlined some of the work of the PA during her time as Chairperson
Additional thanks were expressed to:
- Ger, caretaker, for all his help with the PA but also for what he offers to ENS
- PA Committee members. Positive atmosphere within the group.
- Eimear O’Reilly as the Parent Rep on the Board of Management. A great support to the PA in particular when we faced into events with no experience (some events had not run for a couple of years due to Covid!).
- Previous committee members in particular; Karen Mangan, Elaine Keating and Stephen Coote for their help and advice.
Eimear O’Reilly congratulated Claire for bringing the PA back to life after Covid and for all the work done throughout the two years!
Treasurers Report
Marie Keane gave a treasurer’s report on income/expenditure since last year’s AGM. All items of income/expenditure were explained. We are still in the new start up phase with Bank of Ireland so have limited bank charges.
PA Insurance is paid for the year and National Parents’ Council membership is also paid until the end of the year.
Question asked about the bank fees: we are on low fees for 2 years since opening the account. We reduce fees by not using cheques. We do not have Charity Status.
Secretary Report
Laura explained how the role of secretary has developed over the past two years to move mainly online in Google Drive. All Agenda, Minutes and other relevant files are stored in Google Drive connected with the ENS PA. Emer also sent any electronic documents from previous PAs and they have been added to the Drive.
There is a “how to” created for many of the school events in which the PA are involved and Laura has agreed to add a single document to outline what events the PA usually get involved and their actual role in same.
Nominations for Committee
Members remaining: Ifeoma Maugwuere, Augustina Preston, Michelle Summerly,
Shayla Hilpert – Nominated by Claire, seconded by Emer O’Reilly
Noelle Carew – Nominated by Fiona Eason, seconded by Kat O’Shea
Lorna Ganda – Nominated by Laura Ryan, seconded by Marie Keane
Saphinah Nandawula – Nominated by Claire, seconded by Emer O’Reilly
Ashley Garza – Nominated by Laura Ryan, seconded by Emer O’Reilly
Michael O’Brien – Nominated by Laura Ryan, seconded by Claire O’Loughlin
Marcin Grochowski – Nominated by Michael O’Brien, seconded by Laura Ryan
Fiona Eason – nominated by Kat O’Shea, seconded by Claire O’Loughlin
Kat O’Shea – nominated by Fiona Eason, seconded by Laura Ryan
Eileen Tobin – nominated by Claire O’Loughlin, seconded by Emer O’Reilly
Claire, Laura and Marie all offered support and assistance to new committee members.
Acknowledgement paid to the many staff in ENS who go above and beyond providing our children with such a wonderful primary school experience.
Principal Thanks
Mr. McInerney expressed his thanks to the outgoing PA and acknowledged the work of the “extraordinary people” that have been involved over the years. He outlined the benefits of the structure of the PA as defined by the constitution and the benefits. Many school events would not happen without the help of the Parents in ENS. Walking bus, School crossing, Sacraments, school quizzes, discos etc.
He expressed thanks to those new parents who attended tonight and especially those who have accepted nomination to the new committee.
He commended staff, students and parents to the wonderful atmosphere in the school.
Meeting concluded at 9.05pm
Next meeting: Thursday 12th October @ 7.30pm
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