Paint A Pumpkin Competition

To mark Halloween this year, we held our annual ‘Paint A Pumpkin’ competition. As our traditional Family Halloween Quiz could not take place this year, this competition really helped the Halloween excitement to build.
We had over 150 entries into the competition. We asked the children to bring in their entries so we could display them in the school and add to the Halloween decorations. We were blown away by all the fantastic entries. It was obvious to see that there were hours of hard work and fun had at home to prepare the pumpkins. We hope you enjoyed this quality family time together.
Here are the winners from each section:
Junior Infants—Mia —Ms. Murphy’s Class
Senior Infants—Jack —Ms. McMahon’s Class
1st Class—Lucas – Mrs. Murphy’s Class
2nd Class—Mason — Ms. Hehir’s Class
Most Creative Junior— Bruno —Ms. Gray’s Senior Infant Class.
3rd Class—Sebastian – Ms. Walshe’s Class
4th Class—Aoife —Ms. McMahon’s Class
5th Class—Miguel —Ms. Browne’s Class
6th class—Maysam —Mr. Corry’s Class
Most Creative Senior— Chelsea —Mr. Dwyer’s Reading Class
Overall Winner— Iurri —Ms. Corry’s 6th class. A big thanks to our judge, local designer Margaret O’Connor. Cheeck her out @MargaretOconnor on Instagram.
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