ENS Virtual Active Schools/Health Awareness Week

ENS Virtual Active Schools/Health Awareness Week was a great success. It was only a success because of the engagement we got from everyone at home. There was such creativity displayed throughout the week. Thank you so much for participating in this school activity as it now permits us to apply formally to become an Active School. Great credit is due to Ms. Siobhan Marren and Ms. Naomi McMahon for organising the week. You can view the results and a snapshot of the images we received throughout the week. Prizes will be given out in September
Art Competition
Sophie Maher 5th Class Mr Cullinan
Mary Bourke 5th Class Mr Cullinan
Mariya Khan Senior Infants Ms Tiernan
Tommy Malone 2nd Class Mr Hickey
Fatima Sanchez Soto 5th Class Ms Hehir
Caden Cunningham Senior Infants Ms Howley
Obstacle Course
Connor and Emma Browne 5th & 2nd Class
Harry and Katie Jane Purcell
Emma, Seán and Sarah Donnelly 4th, 2nd and Senior Infants
Most Active Students on Healthy Kidz App
Mr Griffin Dean Eyres
Mr Hickey Mia McGann
Ms Harding Deaglan Omoifo
Mr McInerney David Nita
Ms Hehir Kayla Connellan
Ms Y Kelly Layla Keane
Mr O’Loughlin Ferdéa Conway
Mr Vaughan Leah Murphy
Ms de Buitléar Conan Hassett
Ms O’Sullivan Grace Shannon
Mr Cullinan Thomas Mathias Williams
Mr Walsh 4th Class Erin Moloney
Ms Howley Siún Judge
Ms Tiernan Hannah Fitzpatrick
Ms Browne Aine Omoifo
Ms Martin Ciara Moran
Ms McMahon Kayla Moylan
Ms Roseingrave Anna Casey
Ms McAndrew Brody Connellan
Mr Walsh 6th Class Bernard Keating
Ms A Kelly Nicol Bogucka
Mrs Murphy Carl O’Neill
Ms Walsh Amy Curtin
Ms Murphy Derrick Mata
Ms Stack Emma Considine-Gilabert
Mr Corry Katie Curtin
Ms Fitzgerald Christopher Curley
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