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Ms Hehir Work Closure Ideas

Dear parents and children,
I hope everyone is getting on ok. Here are some ideas to keep busy;
1) Don’t worry about progression on new topics. The best thing you can do go over old topics in Maths. Especially tables!!! Revision is best here. There is a great website for tables and it’s fun.
2) Join Mathlethics. This is a website packed full of maths games. Children can play against each other and work on all the skills that they will have already covered this year!!
3) If they are helping you bake or cook over the next few weeks, get the children to do a recount writing activity after it. Children can write out the method step by step and draw pictures. This goes for a lot of things like gardening etc.
4) Read, Read, Read. This is the best time for kids to read as much as they can. Pick a good book. Have a chat with the kids about the books. I sent home two library books with the children to complete AR quizzes. This is a great time to get their word count up in Accelerated Reader. Children can do a vocabulary quiz after each book also.
5) Twinkl are offering a free month to parents. This website is incredible. It is full of printable for everything from pre schoolers upwards. You will find so much here Use the code IRLTWINKLHELPS

7) Pick a topic and get the kids to research and put together a project. We recently did PowerPoint presentations and the children really enjoyed doing them. They could do a PowerPoint on someone they admire. They could finish with a quiz slide based on the information in the PowerPoint. The PowerPoint could then be presented to siblings or parents.
8) Scoilnet Primary is another website with a wealth of worksheets and topics for researching.
9) Art for Kids Hub on YouTube has loads of step by step art lessons that are a lot of fun and don’t require a lot of equipment.
10) Keep going with the plan of work handed out the last day of school.
11) The RTÉ player has great exercise videos for children both in English and Irish on RTÉjr 10@10. These can easily be done in the sitting room.
Good Luck with it all!
Ms Hehir