Ms. Harding’s Suggested work 18th -23rd May- 1 WEEK
Finish the story. Send via video
2. Read daily and continue to take AR tests
3. Send a video message to your class.
An Nuacht
Fill in the spaces and write in your copy. Send via video- read

3.Léigh an scéal. Read along with the story.
We have finished our Maths program for this year, so it’s all about revision now. If there is any area you find difficult, use your figure it out to practice that area. I have put maths games on the school website if you prefer to do revision this way.
1.First 4 worksheets that are in the computation bundle collected from school.
If you do not have the worksheets click on the link below. ( They should be in the maths photocopies collected from school.)
2. Skip counting 9s
3. Choose some maths online activities from the school website.
PE with Joe Wicks
Challenges- Alternatively Children will post challenges during the week.
1.Floating Ball Activity

2. Build a Catapult

3. Create a straw aeroplane.