3rd Class Science Blast
Ms. Harding’s 3rd Class entered their project ‘Why do we Need to Conserve Water In this
year’s Science Blast.
The class explored some of the properties of water. The completed experiments including
the filtration of water and the water cycle.
The class then learned about the processes that water must go through, firstly before it
reaches the tap and secondly when it leaves a house.
Children learned about the time, work, and expense of making water safe for use. They completed a survey of the use of water in 11 households over 11 days.
The children are now very conscious of what they can do to conserve water eg. turn off the
tap when brushing your teeth, have a shower instead of a bath, only use a dishwasher or
washing machine on a full load…
The children had two meetings with their judge David Mc Loughlin who reviewed the project and tested their knowledge. He also set a number of extra tasks including looking at the
effects of tap water versus carbonated water on tooth enamel. The children learned the lack
of fluoride in carbonated water makes tap water the better option.
The class was awarded a trophy and certificates on completion of their project.