Clare Kids Art Compeition

Just a reminder about the Clare Kids Art Competition that the Clare Education Centre are running at the moment. It would be a great way to engage your children in a fun and creative activity. The theme of the competition is My Life At Home. The children will be able to depict the great activities that are going on in your homes. All the information is in the attachments below. There are categories from Junior Infants to 6th Class. The closing date is Friday 24th April. If would be great to hear that we had a lot of entries from Ennis National School.
In relation to the art competition, we would love to see some of the great masterpieces that will be created by the talented children of Ennis National School. If you could take a photo and send it into us by email at we would love to see it. We would love to display all the great artwork on our website and splash it across Twitter also.
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