Active Homework Challenge

Starting next Monday, January 22nd, every child from Junior Infants to 6th Class will take part in the Active Homework Challenge for the next 3 weeks. Every child will receive a diary that they will have to fill in every evening at home. Everyday, the teacher will demonstrate an exercise that the children will perform at home. When your child completes that exercise 10 times they get to colour a star. e.g. 4o star jumps = 4 stars. If they take part in any other exercise during the evening they should log it in their diary, e.g. playing outside, hurling training, etc. When the 3 weeks are completed, the diaries will be collected and returned to the Clare Sports Partnership. If we return all the diaries, they will enter our school into a draw where two schools will win 6 hours of physical activity for the pupils/teachers. So it is extremely important to mind the diaries so they can be returned. This is a great opportunity for parents to participate with their children to complete the daily exercise. So hopefully everyone can get on board and make this a very active 3 weeks. Thanks for the co-operation.
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